Do you know your eyes match the color of my Porsche?
This line was a bit pretentious. Ok it was very pretentious. Most people don’t own Porsches, so the chances of this bloke actually telling the truth were slim.
The bloke in question happened to be this character called Primo Monteleone, from the tv series NCIS. And he used it to woo Kate, you know, the ice-cold and lethal but still very lovable navy crime-fighting lady on the NCIS team.
But even though she never believed him, he still managed to grab her attention and produce a hint of a smile on her face. So maybe — just maybe — you could get away with something like this as well.
PS: use another type of car if you’re way over 40 and balding. A sporty Bentley might also do the trick and at least that wouldn’t make you sound like a 50-year-old-trying-to-look-30-again.
January 16th, 2009 at 23:14
December 13th, 2013 at 15:09
C’est bizаrre je pensais јustement faire un petit poѕte similaire à celui ci